The WOW factor… just in between!
Thierry: “There is now a board hanging in the hallway entirely dedicated to ‘Tell me more…’ with various client wishes written on it. Internally, we were already working on ‘See Me’ and we wanted to use a different sense for this tool. That’s how ‘Tell me more…’ came about. One of the questions that arose was about ‘giving compliments and positive feedback.’ For many employees, it was an eye-opener. The understanding of the importance of a compliment came through the feedback in ‘Tell me more…’ Someone may consider it ‘normal’ to always be on time, but a compliment about it gives both parties a pleasant feeling!” Thierry notes that filling out a ‘CareRate’ questionnaire is easy and quick. “You can do it in between tasks, as a kind of distraction. It’s not mandatory, and that makes a big difference compared to all the mandatory questionnaires. We have shifted from complete disengagement regarding the topic of ‘change’ to a strong involvement from the entire team. It’s a real WOW factor for our organization! Previously, the CQ surveys were only handled by the management teams. Now, employees are directly involved in the outcomes. They see that things have changed: information surfaces quickly, and they can immediately take action.
CareRate Applications: Accessible, user-friendly, and foolproof with personality
Thierry mentions that the user-friendliness of the CareRate improvement app is excellent. Thierry: “Because of this, we understand what we’re doing and we can communicate that positive improvement works so well. The application itself also has a positive impact by starting the dashboard at a 7 or higher and highlighting positive feedback first, without neglecting the rest. The gimmicks and the compliment board with the smiley face truly give it personality. We don’t use the goal board much yet, but the thumbs-up feature is really fun. In short, the application works great, even for employees who aren’t very computer-savvy – the ‘tech-phobes’ – they enjoy it.